Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Well, I'm inviting everyone I know who is in the "heart" (you all know who you are) so that we can support each other in being a yogic community even across distances.  I just feel this need for "community" and I've felt this way for a long time.  I wish I could be sharing life in person with all of you but chances are our paths will cross again.  In the mean time, I'd like to stay focused on my spiritual growth and one way to do this is to embrace the concept of Sangha...a spiritual community that helps to hold each other accountable and to support and help the practices of others as a measure of their own practice. 

There are multiple authors who can post their spiritual experience, physical and nonphysical 

I feel like focusing on my Sangha (spiritual community) will help me stay focused on my yoga practice. 

My goal is to challenge myself with yoga more intensely over the next 30-60 days.  Even just doing a few hip opener yin poses are totally okay.  The point is just to give yourself over to yoga for a few moments each day.  If you feel like doing a lot of yoga, do a lot of yoga.  If you feel like just exploring a single pose for a day, then that's cool too.  Of course there is more to yoga then the asana...I'd like to explore all form of yoga besides just the physical. 

But basically I thought we could support each other in yoga and making positive choices that align us to the Cosmic Will...

My goals:

Yoga everyday for 30 days
Practicing Ahimsa (nonharming) every day


  1. Thank you so much for creating this shared blog experience. <3 I hope we can continue to encourage each others spiritual, physical and emotional growth through its use.

  2. Me too, thank you so much for participating! <3
